Integration Guide

Dotplay Developer Mission Statement

Welcome to Dotplay's API Documentation!

Empower Your Development with Unrestricted Monetization Solutions

At Dotplay, we provide a comprehensive solution that liberates developers from the constraints of traditional app stores. Our innovative platform, coupled with a powerful Unity SDK for seamless payments integrations, enables you to take full control of your monetization strategy and optimize your revenue streams.

Dotplay Compliance Policy

At Dotplay, we take the security and privacy of your data seriously. Our commitment to rigorous security measures and industry standards ensures a safe environment for all our operations and data management. Here’s how we keep your information secure:

PCI Compliance

We comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) through Stripe, ensuring our systems meet strict security standards.

Strong Security Principles

At Dotplay, we follow best practices for security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. Our policies and procedures are designed to uphold these principles, ensuring our operations are secure and reliable. Regular reviews and assessments help us maintain these high standards and continuously improve our security.

Regular Penetration Testing

Security is a continuous process at Dotplay. Our skilled engineering team conducts regular penetration testing to find and address potential threats. We promptly address any findings from these tests and plan to conduct external penetration tests twice a year to keep improving our security.

Commitment to Information Security

We are dedicated to maintaining robust information security management systems. By following recognized security standards, we protect sensitive information and maintain high security levels. Our ongoing efforts focus on enhancing our security framework to meet your needs and the industry's demands.

Continuous Improvement and High Standards

At Dotplay, we are committed to constantly improving our security measures and protocols. While we don't currently pursue formal certifications, our focus is on maintaining the highest security standards through strong internal practices and regular assessments. We are transparent about our processes and ready to pursue additional measures as needed to meet your expectations.

Dotplay Android Payments SDK Introduction

Welcome to the Dotplay Payments SDK

The Dotplay Payments SDK is a powerful and flexible solution that enables developers to easily integrate customized payment systems into their Unity projects. By leveraging Stripe, the Dotplay Payments SDK offers a seamless checkout experience, high conversion rates, and support for a wide range of payment methods.

Customization and Ease of Integration

One of the key benefits of the Dotplay Payments SDK is its ease of integration. With just a few simple steps, you can add the SDK to your Unity project and start accepting payments in a matter of hours.

Native Success Screen and Integrated SDK Events

The Dotplay Payments SDK is designed to blend seamlessly with your existing application. Upon successful payment, the SDK will display a success screen that matches your native user interface. Additionally, the SDK provides events that you can integrate with your own systems, ensuring a smooth and cohesive user experience.

Android Payments SDK Diagram

Integration Guide

Android Payments SDK Integration Guide


The Dotplay Inc Android Payments SDK is an alternative to Google Play Service billing, integrating Dotplay Payments for customized APKs. Utilizing Stripe, it delivers a smooth checkout experience and high conversion rates, ensuring your customization optimizes its monetization potential. This guide provides detailed instructions on integrating the SDK into a Unity project.


  • Unity: Version 2022 or later
  • Android: Version 7.0 (API level) or higher

Getting Started

Step 1: Import the SDK into Unity

  1. Download the SDK package from the provided source.
  2. Open your Unity project.
  3. Navigate to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package.
  4. Select the downloaded SDK package and import all items.

Step 2: Resolve Android Dependencies

Enable Custom Gradle Templates

  1. Go to File > Build Settings.
  2. Switch to the Android platform if not already selected.
  3. Click on Player Settings to open the Inspector window.
  4. Under Publishing Settings, enable the following options:
    • Custom Main Gradle Template
    • Custom Gradle Properties Template
    • Custom Gradle Settings Template


Android Payments SDK Settings

Add Dependencies

  1. If you use the External Dependency Manager for Unity (EDM4U), it will automatically add the necessary Android dependencies to your project.
  2. If you are not using EDM4U, copy the dependencies from /dotplay/Editor/dependencies.xml to your mainTemplate.gradle file. Here are the current dependencies:


    <androidPackage spec="com.stripe:stripe-android:20.22.0"/>


    <androidPackage spec="com.github.kittinunf.fuel:fuel:2.3.1"/>


    <androidPackage spec="com.github.kittinunf.fuel:fuel-json:2.3.1"/>


    <androidPackage spec="androidx.activity:activity:1.2.2"/>


    <androidPackage spec="androidx.compose.material3:material3:1.1.1"/>


    <androidPackage spec="androidx.compose.ui:ui:1.4.3"/>


    <androidPackage spec=""/>


    <androidPackage spec="androidx.compose.runtime:runtime:1.4.3"/>


    <androidPackage spec="androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling:1.4.3"/>


    <androidPackage spec="androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-compose:1.4.3"/>


    <androidPackage spec="androidx.compose.runtime:runtime:1.4.3"/>

Unity IAP Integration

The SDK supports both codeless and coded Unity IAP integrations.

Codeless Payments

  1. Initialize Dotplay payments with the following code:
  2. Ensure this call is made before any Unity Codeless components are initialized. If Dotplay initialization is called too late, a warning will be displayed.

Coded Payments

  1. Add DotplayPaymentsModule to your store's ConfigurationBuilder:
    var builder = ConfigurationBuilder.Instance(DotplayPaymentsModule.Instance(), StandardPurchasingModule.Instance());
  2. Ensure this call is made before any Unity Codeless components are initialized. If Dotplay initialization is called too late, a warning will be displayed.

Manual Integration

If you don't use Unity IAP, please email with a brief explanation of your existing payment implementation. We will provide a bespoke guide for integrating our SDK manually, tailored to your specific requirements.

Support and Troubleshooting

For further assistance, contact our support team at This documentation provides a structured and detailed guide to integrating the Dotplay Payments SDK into a Unity project, with clear steps and examples, making it easy for external developers to understand and follow.

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